Strategic Action To Alleviate Suffering

STRATAS, an acronym for Strategic Action To Alleviate Suffering is a registered non-governmental not for profit organization in Cameroon intervening in the area of health and social welfare.

STRATAS started as a common initiative group for farming with remarkable progress following the suffereing of some of her members with terminal diseases and consequent death, they decided with the available human resources to visit and care for their sick members at home giving necessary assistance and counselling to family members. Many people observed this and found it valuable and sought assistance from the group, thus the creation of STRATAS organisations. Ever since, STRATAS has continued to render Humanitarian services to fammilies, groups and individuals on the prevention of diseases especially HIV/AIDS and Malaria etc. It is also involved in income generating activities. This proved successful and had sort of motivated the organization in the face of ever growing challenges. Our organization was registered in 2002 and since then has been contributing here quoter to the well-being of society.


STRATAS seeks to prevent and alleviate the suffering of vulnerable and underprivileged persons especially youths arising from preventable health and social problems. We seek to achieve these through strategic approaches that will promote their health and social well-being.


That youth and vulnerable persons are empowered with surviving skills and that the under privilege are integrated into active and productive community life. And that no human being should live below sub-human conditions.


  1. To disseminate knowledge, skills useful to improve quality of life through communication for behaviour change, training workshops and other mediums. Adopting information to local realities and culture yet scientifically apt.
  2. To offer basic services aimed at improving the health and general welfare of the local community.
  1. To collaborate with other stakeholders such as government services, N.G.O's and other developmental organizations working to improve health and or social welfare of the community in order to maximize the use of resources and avoid wastefull duplication.
  2. To stimulate and support the fight against social exclusion, misery and poverty.
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